Shuck and Jive

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

United Religions Initiative Gratitude Dinner

Here is something different for East Tennessee. You are all invited to a dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving with people from many different religions. No, not just Baptist and Church of Christ, but Buddhist and Wiccan, too!

Right here in the Bible belt.

We are more diverse than you might think. Here are the details:

Saturday November 21, 2009

6:00-8:30 p.m.

Johnson City Senior Center:

607 W. Myrtle Ave.

The Northeast Tennessee Co-operation Circle of United Religions Initiative is having their seventh annual interfaith potluck dinner of gratitude. A special effort is being made to attract people from diverse cultures and religions with the hope of creating a supportive and active interfaith community in the Tri-Cities area.

Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, Native American, Buddhist and Unitarian Universalist religious leaders and congregants will share blessings and prayers for peace. The evening will be closed by folk Dances of Universal Peace led by Rebecca Nunley.

The public is invited to bring a dish and share in this interfaith opportunity to get to know our neighbors. Turkey and beverages will be provided. (Bringing a dish of one’s culture or ethnicity is encouraged, but any dish is welcome.)

RSVP Contact: Rev. Jacqueline Luck, revluck [at] hvuuc [dot] org or leave a message: 423-477-7661
Hope to see you!


  1. That sounds like the right idea .

    However being from the UK , it's a bit far to travel without getting my feet wet :)

    Cheers ....


  2. Ah, but it's fun to think of the dish you would bring, Hugh!
