The news is just in. We are hosting a Jesus Seminar on the Road, October 29-30. We are thrilled to bring Bernard Brandon Scott and Arthur Dewey to northeast Tennessee.
The program is "Jesus: Teller of Parables."
What is a Parable?
Jesus played upon the stereotypes and tensions in his world and wove explosive stories, called parables, that called into question the everyday assumptions of his audience. For centuries, these parables have been routinely misread and largely underestimated. Now scholars are attempting to recover their irony, edginess, and effrontery. This lecture will describe parables, and show how they can destabilize their listeners' world even today.Friday, 7:30–9 P.M.
The History and Craft of Parables
To understand Jesus' parables one must begin with an overview of the art of story-telling and the several methods involved in the interpretation of stories, ancient and modern. Participants will examine the ancient craft of parable-making side-by-side with modern examples of transparent poetry and creative songwriting. This workshop will explore not only what a parable might mean, but also how it means to be taken.Saturday, 9:30 A.M.-Noon
Parables and the Kingdom
Jesus' parables are both a door and a mirror to the kingdom of God. But does the kingdom illuminate the parables (Matthew) or do parables illuminate the kingdom (Mark)? Better yet, do we unravel the parables, or do they unravel us? The parables of the Banquet and Unjust Steward, the Prodigal Son, the Good Samaritan, the Leaven, and the Mustard Seed will serve as the primary texts for this presentation.Saturday, 1:30-4 P.M.
This will be the third JSOR that FPC Elizabethton has hosted since I arrived. Register here and tell your friends!
Good for you! You will love it. Tell Art Dewey Sea Raven says "Hey!"