Shuck and Jive

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Prayer for the Gulf

The Unity Church of Venice, Florida is inviting all spiritual communities and all people to join them in prayer for the Gulf of Mexico at three p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday, June 20th. Check their website for details.

I don't think I will gather the community at three p.m. but I think I will use this prayer during worship on that day:

To whales, dolphins, manatees, pelicans, seagulls and all aquatic bird species, fishes, shellfish, planktons, corals, algae and all ion creatures in the Gulf of Mexico,
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

We should offer this same prayer to the living things off the coastal waters of Nigeria. According to this article, every year a spill the size of the one in the Gulf poisons those waters.

The real question is this: Eventually, we will stop driving our cars. The global oil supply has peaked. Oil prices will soon skyrocket. Civilization could very well collapse before the decade is out. Will we destroy everything before we realize that and change?

President Obama speaks to the world tonight. He has a choice before him. You know he knows about Peak Oil. You know he knows that industrialized civilization cannot last much longer. Our only hope is stark honesty and a whole new way of life. Will he have the courage to tell us the truth and lead us into a post peak oil future, or will he blame the oil companies, talk "green" (which isn't), and continue us on the same path leading to our collapse?


  1. I like the prayer, but I can exactly pinpoint what "ion creatures" are? Anyone?

  2. Ion was the son of a human (Creus) and the god Apolla, but he doesn't seem to have an special gift or power, and no connection to the sea that I can sea. I wonder if the term "ion creatures" isn't this person's attempt to poeticize the concept of "all creatures that we can and cannot see or know".

    That would be my guess.

  3. Could be a typo.

    This is the prayer from his website:

    Now let’s give energy of love and gratitude to all the living creatures in Mexico Gulf by praying like this.

    To whales, dolphins, pelicans, fishes, shellfishes, planktons, corals, algae and all creatures ion Gulf of Mexico.

    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.

    After we have been pondering the great depths of mystery about the meaning of ion, the truth comes out. The guy meant to type "in"!

    That's how crazy stuff ended up on the lips of Jesus.

  4. Well, good, because "ion creatures" sounds too new age-y and BS-y even to OUR church, if you ask me!
