Shuck and Jive

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Preparing Godly Women

This is in today's Johnson City Press, News of the Weird:

“This is a college education that I can use,” said sophomore Emily Felts, 19, as she praised the homemaking curriculum of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas (which leads to a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities). Men and women may be equal, the school says, but they have different roles, and for women, that includes “how to set tables, sew buttons and sustain lively dinnertime conversation,” or how to use the Internet to track grocery coupons, according to an October dispatch in the Los Angeles Times. Felts said she enjoys the work (except vacuuming), but it “doesn’t matter what I think. It matters what the Bible says.”

You might be interested in checking out Southwestern's Women's Programs.

"The College at Southwestern endeavors to prepare women to model the characteristics of the godly woman as outlined in Scripture."


  1. There'd be nothing wrong with it if it wasn't for the fact that the poor child has been brainwashed into believing that she can't have both formal education and good home-ec skills.

    I know many a young lady that can't cook anything that doesn't come in a bag and get nuked. I have also known some cats that have better personal hygiene than some of my female acquaintance. So no problem with teaching them how to cook and clean and whatever else.

    But this bunch is actually deterring young women from seeking knowledge and getting smarter. Mighty convenient, no? It's so much easier to lie to, and manipulate the uneducated.

    Education is the best defense against exploitation. To encourage a young person like Emily to reject it is a violation of common decency.

    But alas, abuse of the young is nothing new with these cultist sects. We have our own Joseph Combs to remind us of what can happen when young women are abused in this fashion.

  2. I would so fail at that. Every time I've baked cookies, they've burned. Every. darn. time. My husband, however, is that James Beard of baking. Hmmm, we did live in Louisville for a while... maybe hubbie snuck over to Southwestern for some night classes.

    Seriously, though. Reading about this makes me feel very sad.

  3. I see nothing wrong in offering a course in home economics. Both the young men and women could benefit from this. But, where on earth, does the Scripture say that woman are ordained to do nothing but cook, clean the house, and sew on buttons?

    Wasn't Deborah a judge over all of Israel? Didn't Priscilla along with her husband instruct from the Scripture? Paul spoke of both men and women prophesying in the church.

    The article sounds pretty "out there" to me.

    Maybe there is a misunderstanding going on here.

  4. Grace, I think you hit on it. It's not so much that it's about having a home ec class (though the "sustain a lively dinner conversation" was kind of urpy IMO), it's the weird Scriptural justifications of "a woman's place".

    BTW, is there a reference to vacuum cleaners in the Bible that I missed?

  5. I can't believe you guys missed it.

    The 11th Commandment:
    Thou shalt not let thine Hoover Rest.

    Except on Sunday.

  6. ...for thou shalt clothe thy husband's feet with fluffy slippers and prepare him a libation of the whiskey of Bourbon and the water that sparkleth with a skosh of lemon whilst thou prepareth the steaks for broiling."

    And together the church says:



  7. have these people heard of Mary and Martha? Jesus' words in that story seem pretty clear.
