Shuck and Jive

Monday, July 27, 2009

For All You Do...

Blame Snad. (Go ahead, blame her for everything you can think of).



  1. Jeeze Louise. This is what good Christians should aspire to? How many meals for the less fortunate could have been paid for with what this monstrosity cost?

  2. It's a way to get a little sun during the parade.

  3. Everything except the Detroit Lions.

  4. Oh yeah. Let's you and I review my job description tomorrow, K?

  5. Oh my GAWD. That is just dreadful.

    I mean, even if that were one's theology... can you say "TACKY"?

  6. Snad--I do hope you are aware of the part in the job description where on the first day of hunting season we strap you to a cross, load you up in a pickup truck and drive you through the hollers of Stoney Creek. Kind of a tradition.

    Cecilia--Budweiser, Jesus wearing a bloody butcher's apron, and the American flag. It's in the Bible.

  7. ... on the first day of hunting season we strap you to a cross, load you up in a pickup truck and drive you through the hollers of Stoney Creek. Kind of a tradition.

    Can you say "Radical departure from Labor Department guidelines"?

    Anyway. Make sure it's a Ford. I'm pretty sure there's something in Scripture about the Dodge being an abomination.

  8. Didn't you know?

    The colors on the American flag. The red and white stripes are for the blood and water that flowed out of his side. The stars are the thorns on his head. And the velvet blue is for the darkness that fell over Golgotha as he died for our sins.

  9. Wow...

    Why is it that the people who claim to be so devoted to Jesus routinely make light of and/or create such tasteless, vacuous displays of his crucifixion? If Jesus's crucifixion seems like something to put on a bumper sticker, then I'm not sure one can make the argument that one takes it very seriously.

  10. Thank you, Alan. An excellent point. I hope nobody reads your post and generates a bumper sticker.

  11. Jodie -

    According to several searches, including two century-old books I have on US history, there is no legal definition of the symbolism in the US Flag, other than the stars representing the states and the striped representing the original colonies. Everything else is conjecture or folk lore.

  12. Snad,

    For that matter I suppose there is no legal definition for the symbol of a torture victim hanging from a wooden 'T' either.

    Then add the draping of said torture victim with a sparkling American flag in the back of a pick up truck and what do we get?

    Vegas meets 4th of July meets Roman Catholic Church meets Red Neck meets General Motors... Blech!

    It must be some kind of Rorschach test.
