Our chuch's nursery care worker, Carmen Stamey, made the news last week. Carmen is awesome directing our nursery which is filling up these days with children and babies.

You can see some pics of our nursery here. Carmen can also bake! Check out this article in the Johnson City Press from last Wednesday:
Healthy decadence
A local businesswoman bakes good-for-you treats for those who care about what they eat
Those who like baked goods made from fresh, organic and local ingredients will like Carmen Stamey’s food because she likes them, too, and makes sure they’re a part of what she makes for family and friends.
“My friends, they always say, ‘If Carmen will eat it, it’s OK,’ ” she said.

Carmen Stamey helps her son, Finn, make a selection from a variety of freshly baked cookies. (Photo by Lee Talbert)
Stamey decided after some experimentation what she baked was good and different enough to offer the public. She started a homemade baked goods business, Indigo Specialty Foods, and sold her food downtown at the Farmer’s Market last year. She’s looking forward to being there again in May and talking to people about how to make baked goods for people with allergies to wheat, an interest inspired by friends and family who have allergies and don’t want to be denied good things. She’s always busy producing baked goods that suit their needs and tastes and bakes with such alternative grains as spelt, corn and rice. Many of her recipes are vegan, which means they aren’t made with eggs or dairy products. Eating well for her doesn’t mean cutting the sugar. She loves sweets and uses organic sugars and alternative sweeteners to flavor her desserts. (Read More)
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