Shuck and Jive

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Brewster and Bono and the PCUSA

I am thrilled that Brewster and Bono are on the road again. Here is what Paul wrote regarding the finances with a letter stating how to contribute. You can contact Paul to get the strip e-mailed to your inbox everyday (the best way I think).

Dear Readers,
For those who made a pledge in the recent fundraising drive to keep Brewster and Bono on the road, your donation can be made by writing a check to "The Rockcross Press." (This is the publisher of the paperback book collection of the first 19 weeks of the cartoon. If you don't have this book yet, consider throwing in another $7.95 and the publisher will send you a copy.) The mailing address is:
The Rockcross Press
6510 Auburn Ave.
Bradenton, FL 34207
You can use your credit card online at the Walking Across America web site.
click on the donation button and you will be taken to the safe, secure, PayPal system. It may show up somewhere that the payment is going to Simple Miracles Pizza. That is my restaurant and I have my PayPal account in that name. I will forward credit card donations to The Rockcross Press.
The Rockcross Press is the business entity through which artist Yul Tolbert is paid.

This week's strips find our heroes at the headquarters of the PCUSA in Louisville, KY. Click the pic to enlarge:


  1. Hey thanks for all the nice comments Johnny - it's always a nice thing to hear that I am a nice dude - still, I think working together is always the best route and I think what you do is important - calling for acceptance - and I can accept that.

    As for the cartoon, it's growing on me and I am not even a Presbyterian - but somewhere deep down I know we all share the same lineage and that makes me Presbyterian?

  2. Yup, the boys, Bono and Brewster, do grow on a person (kind of like a fungus).

    Actually, I think Adam and Eve were Presbyterians.

  3. Does that trip to Witherspoon make him a Bono-fied pilgrim?
