Shuck and Jive

Monday, July 21, 2008

Arthur Dewey and Hal Taussig for Jesus Seminar on the Road

Due to an unexpected illness, Charles Hedrick will not attend our Jesus Seminar on the Road, September 12-13. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks to Arthur Dewey for taking his position.

Hal Taussig and

Arthur Dewey

will be in Elizabethton for Competing Christian Voices: The Contest for Authority. Here is the breakdown:

The last 150 years have witnessed a wide range of exciting new discoveries of early Christian literature not included in the New Testament. Documents such as The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene), The Gospel of Peter, The Gospel of Judas, The Thunder: Perfect Mind, The Secret Book of John, The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, and many others have begun to reshape how the beginnings of Christianity are conceived.

In the meantime scholars have also come to terms with the conflicting perspectives within the New Testament. It is now clear that a great diversity of often competing, early Christian literature existed, that cannot be best assessed using the categories of orthodoxy and heresy, biblical or non-biblical.

This workshop concentrates of describing some of the many important new documents from the first two centuries of early Christianity. It looks carefully at how these new documents help make sense of the many differences in early Christian literature, both inside and outside the New Testament.


Arthur J. Dewey & Hal Taussig
Canon and History
Re-Thinking Early Christianity

Friday, 7:30-9 P.M.


Arthur J. Dewey
The Gospel of Thomas
One of the earliest gospels with many new perspectives.

Saturday, 9:30-10:30 A.M..

Hal Taussig
Thunder, Perfect Min
d, A dramatic self-presentation of a female divinity
Gospel of Mary, The only gospel with a woman protagonist

Saturday, 11A.M.-NOON

Arthur J. Dewey & Hal Taussig
Gospel of Peter: perhaps the earliest story of Jesus’ death and resurrection
Secret Book of John: an early Christian attack on the Roman empire and its oppression

Saturday 1:30-2:30 P.M.

Arthur J. Dewey & Hal Taussig
A New Picture of How Christianity Began

Saturday 3-4 P.M

Hal Taussig (Ph.D., The Union Institute) is Visiting Professor of New Testament at Union Theological Seminary, NYC, Professor of Early Christianity at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia, and co-pastor at the Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church. His several books include Jesus Before God (1999) and A New Spiritual Home (2006).

Arthur J. Dewey ( Th.D., Harvard University) is Professor of Theology, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio and co-founder of the Healing Deadly Memories Program, a unique project that conducts workshops on how to deal with the question of anti-Semitism in the New Testament.

Click the link for information on how to register. I hope to see you there!


  1. The Wikipedia entry for the Jesus Seminar says: "The seminar's reconstruction of the historical Jesus portrays him as an itinerant Hellenistic Jewish sage who did not die as a substitute for sinners nor rise from the dead".

    From 2 Peter 2:1 "They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them".

    I just started reading Lee Strobel's "The Case for the Real Christ". He writes "As someone whose road to faith was paved with painstakingly researched facts and logic ... I had no choice but to grant them their full weight and open myself to the possibility that they could legitimately undermine the traditional understanding of Christ."

    To this end, Strobel interviewed Craig A. Evans who said "It doesn't surprise me that the Seminar's work is so quirky and so severly criticized by non-Seminar members -- probably 90 percent of Gospel scholars around the world."

    Evans says that they took Jesus out of context: "They move Jesus out of his Jewish world and into a Greco-Roman world, turning him into a Western academic who's up in the ivory tower smoking his pipe and -- what do you know! He's a whole lot like them."

  2. Welcome Paul.

    One could go to wikipedia or you could go to the Jesus Seminar website and read for yourself.

    Interesting use of the quote from I Peter. You think God had Peter write this verse in the 1st century because he knew the Jesus Seminar would come along in the late 20th century?
