So good to see ETSU students come out for PRIDE Day.
Sing it!
Thanks for this article by Johnson City Press reporter, Rex Barber:
Even the Radical Cheerleaders got into the spirit!
“Don’t live your life by rules of hate!”
Those words and others were chanted around the East Tennessee State University campus Wednesday as the student organization LGBT Ties held a Pride Speaks rally and march. LGBT is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals. The rally was to raise awareness of issues facing LGBT people.
ETSU student Barbara Brannon organized the event, which was sponsored by women’s studies, the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance, the communication department, Student Speech Communication Association, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays and the Atheist and Freethought Club of ETSU.
“Basically, I’m in a speaking for social change class,” Brannon said. “It’s an upper level speech communications class and the goal of our class is to kind of go out, find a cause and speak for the change. And so I affiliated myself with the LGBT group on campus.”
Brannon met with LGBT Ties for the past month to organize Wednesday’s rally. But her choice of organizations has a personal tie as well.
“My sister is actually a lesbian and I just feel personally affected by it in my life and I feel it is something that needs to be addressed on this campus and this region,” Brannon said of advocating for the fair treatment of LGBT individuals. (Read More)
Watch a video from the Johnson City Press (click on "Pride Rally and Parade at ETSU").
Check the article in the East Tennesseean!
Good fun. Good work GLBT Ties of ETSU!
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