Dear Editor,
National Coming Out Day is Saturday, October 11. Every year, on this date, tens of thousands of people come out to their family, friends and co-workers and reveal the truth about themselves. They tell others that they are gay, lesbian or bisexual. Often, this revelation is fraught with emotional turmoil for everyone involved. Parents may question themselves, by asking, “What have I done wrong to raise a son or daughter who is homosexual?”
It is important to understand that sexual orientation is not caused by parenting decisions or style or by negative life events in childhood; and it is not a choice made by individuals who simply want to be oppositional. PFLAG (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is a national organization that provides support, education and advocacy with compassion and without fees. Its purpose is to help families adjust to the reality that a son or daughter is gay, lesbian or bisexual and to relate more effectively with a society that is prejudiced against homosexuality.
This year when your loved one comes out to you, please open your heart and your arms to him or her. Then, if you need to, contact PFLAGTriCities for help and support. If you are a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender individual who is struggling with the coming out process, you can also contact us. Our local chapter comprises mental health professionals, religious leaders, medical professionals, educators, and lots of parents, family members and friends of gays and lesbians.
We can help you and your family members find their way back to each other.
Please contact PFLAGTriCities at: or visit our website at: We are here to help.
The Steering Committee for PFLAG TriCities
Mountain Home, TN
Now, everybody sing!
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