It is time for the big push! First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethton is hosting Creating a Culture of Peace, March 7, 8, and 9. It is a 16 hour workshop focused on developing skills for personal and social change.
Check out the flier on our webpage. We are going to do some heavy-duty promoting beginning the first of February. Right now, we are looking for sponsorships. You will get your name and organization listed on our publicity and have a place to bring brochures and what not from your place of business or organization.
You can also register now by downloading and sending in this form.
You can get a sponsorship for $100. A church can sponsor, a club, a business, whatever! Contact me ASAP so we can include you in the publicity!
So far our sponsors include:
Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
136 Bob Jobe Rd.
Gray, Tennessee 37615
St. Mary's Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation Ministry
2211 East Lakeview Drive
Johnson City, TN 37601
(423) 282-6367
Beth Barber, Healing Arts Practitioner
600 E. Unaka Avenue
Johnson City, TN 37601
I hope you have a great turn out for this series John. It's something we definitely need, a culture of peace, that is.