Shuck and Jive

Monday, January 28, 2008

Good Interest In PFLAG Chapter

We are getting interest in our PFLAG chapter for the Tricities area. Four of us will be meeting next week to start the affiliation process and make plans.

If you are interested in PFLAG or have questions, visit our
PFLAG Tricities weblog and contact me.

Our area is in desperate need for a support and awareness group for lgbts, families, and friends.


  1. The chapter here in Atlanta was literally a lifesaver for me and my family when I came out. The support of you and your church will be vital, as a lot of Southern families dealing with GLBT members need to hear from clergy more than anyone. I can't overemphasize how important this will be to the Tri-cities area. Kudos, John and friends!

  2. Thanks Monkey and Fly.

    I can't believe I just wrote that.

    We could certainly use good vibes from all quarters.
