We are having an Ash Wednesday Service tonight. It will be a bit different than your usual Ash Wednesday Service, if you ever go to one. It will be a reflection using modern poetry upon the mystery of life, the reality of our mortality, and the promise that hope from ashes rises.
Join us at 8 pm.
I will be scurrying to get there as at four p.m. I will be at Tusculum College participating in a panel discussion, The Fifth Annual Video Discussion: A Diversity Dialog:
On February 25th the Center for Civic Advancement will host the 5th Annual Video Discussion. This year, TC Counseling Services will join in to present a Diversity Dialog in Chalmers at 4:00pm. The focus of this dialog will be Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) individuals, their human experience and civil rights; and our role as a community to advocate and be supportive.Click poster for details or go to our webpage:
The evening will begin with a short clip from "If These Walls Could Talk 2" serving as a springboard for what should prove to be an open and engaging dialog.

I am jealous of your invitations to join as I live too far away. It sounds great
ReplyDeleteLast night, Dear Friend's associate gave what I told her was a "kick-ass sermon," in which she quoted T.S. Eliot several times. I love going to church, but when I can get a good dose of poetry at the same time? Heaven!
ReplyDeleteWhat did you use? Inquiring poetry freaks want to know...